Friday, March 19, 2010

RE Deadlift

Band-lightened Deadlift:
Used blues; ~220 off the bottom. Maybe 45 off the top? Should have lowered the pins one so it was full weight at lockout.
585 x 2
635 x 2
675 x 2
695 x 2
705 x 2, 2

Started off a bit rough. Lower back finally warmed up enough that it wasn't horrible off the ground. However, the left quad/bone thing kicked in around the 3rd set. Not as bad as monday, but still enough to make me worried.

225 x 10
275 x 10
315 x 10

Went light to avoid irritating the quad. These felt really really good today though.

Finished with band twists and leg curls.


Jake Ceccarelli said...

How's your squat form these days? You probably have tendonitis, judging from the fact that was first aggravated during squats. If you apply pressure to the area does it hurt? Obviously ice and vitamin-I are recommended. One thing that might help is getting knee sleeves. I've never used them myself, but lots of people seem to like them.

Another thing I've read and had some success with for treating tendonitis is the use of eccentric-only work. In the case of your legs you could try leg presses, doing the eccentric with one leg and the concentric with two. I could try to find the study but they said "no matter how much these hurt, just keep doing them." I think they did like 3x10 (the study focused on achilles tendonitis). All, or like 95%, of the people who did it (I think for like 3-4 weeks, daily) eventually returned to running 100% pain free.

The protocol was:
3x10 with bodyweight (one-legged slow eccentric-only calf raise) - do each eccentric for like 5 seconds
Once you can do that with no pain, add weight.
Add weight every time you can do all the sets with no pain.

Juggernaut, the said...

Yeah, it's probably tendonitis. I don't remember when i first irritated it through. The oldest memory is when it started hurting while I was walking? Pressure does
seem to make it hurt a little more. Although that's only based on me trying to foam roller my leg when it was hurting. It's more of a dull pain.

I do the knee sleeve thing during squats, but they get in the way for deadlifts. The pain goes 4" higher than the knee sleeves too. It's not really the knee either, but something much deeper (closer to the bone). That said, I'm sure I'd have other issues if I weren't using knee sleeves; they keep my knees feeling great.

I'll see about trying that leg press recovery out. Leg press has traditionally been horrible for me, as it kills my lower back. I think it's just the way the leg press machines are set up here at Wooden though.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

You could try leg extensions since it works the same tendon. Leg press was just an example. As long as it works the area and eventually fixes the problem pick anything that works.