Friday, March 12, 2010


Accidentally walked into the Wooden Center still wearing my "CA State Champion" button that I had made earlier in the day. Turned out to play into my favor...

Deadlift (for warmups)

Band Lightened Deadlift:
315x5x3 (on these, like all my deadlifts, I was having awful back rounding problems. Dave's solution? MOAR HIP ADDUCTORS. Ouch. I also had a minor hand injury during plate loading. However, the highlight of these lifts was Wooden Center worker Skye seeing my button and watching me deadlift like the champion I am... she was definitely impressed.)
275x5 (went back down in weight to get better form and it had mixed results... Dave was showing me form and I actually lost my balance and fell backwards without getting the bar off the ground... definitely one of the lowpoints in my powerlifting career. Luckily, Skye did not see this. About half of my lifts on this last set I actually used good form and it was reassuring to know I can do it, I just need to work on it more.)

Stiff Legged Deadlift:
155x1+fuck it my hands hurt and my back isn't too great right now... let's move on.

I go to check out the foam roller and guess who is more than eager to take down my info at the Fitwell Desk...

GMOP (pin 10):
I actually used good form on these and by about the 7th rep its exhausting. But we all know girls only care about your GMOP so you gotta do what you gotta do.

Banded Hamstring Curls (Greens):
3 sets

3 sets

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