Tuesday, January 5, 2010


185x2+f (got it up on my own, but lost balance and my foot moved)
205x1 NEW MAX!!!!

Band Assisted Squat (purples)
295x2.5(almost threw up on this one...face blood red. On the third one, I didn't get helped up, but I was helped from falling on my face) PR
275x3 (got a little help on the last one, but I'm still counting it)

On most of my squats I was hitting depth no problem. I was even told some times that I was going too deep, which was music to my ears considering my previous challenges hitting depth. I still need to work on keeping the weight on my heels.

can't do 'em yet. So instead I did the Matt Buttimer pathway to cleaning like a champion by taking a 60 pound barbell and doing leg burst and shrugs 5 times, then leg burst+shrugs into the standing row 5 times for 5 sets.
Then I got ambitious and tried just working on high cleans with 75 pounds, which I did a couple times, but never really did great form. I need help going from the row to the snatch.

did some decline medicine ball work with Ben until failure for 3 sets. I really need to work on strengthening my core in the next 4 weeks.

1 comment:

Matt Buttimer said...

You have made vast improvement on your hip flexibility and it shows. But yes, your weakness on the squat now is your inability to stay tight and upright with your core. So hit your abs and lower back HARD.