Wednesday, January 27, 2010

1/27 Training

HS Pullover: 230x9
WG Lat Pulldown: 230x8 PR
T-bar Row: 175x9, 6
Seated BB Curl: 90x5

Trying to use good form and really focus on working the muscles instead of just slinging around the weights - especially on the T-bars. The pre-exhaust with the pullovers was actually very nice, and I felt like I hit my lats really well today. Also, the weight on the T-bars was the weight on the bar (not including the bar itself).


Juggernaut, the said...

Do you find the pull-overs are affecting your bench at all?

Kyle said...

I actually have been able to use my lats much more as of late when I bench, so yes I do think they have been beneficial.

Kyle said...

I thought about it a little bit more, and I'd say that the pullovers and lat work have helped the very first part of the bench (getting it off the chest). I no longer get completely stapled under the weight, but instead fail right in the midrange before my triceps get the chance to really kick in. Hence my increased focus to shoulder work.