Monday, January 11, 2010


Squat (w/ Inzer Hardcore suit)
275 x 3 -straps down/depth questionable on all three reps
285 x 3 -straps up/ depth still questionable according to Clay
325 x failed halfway up -I went too deep to the point where my knees came forward and I couldn't drive it up properly.
325 x 1 -I sat back much better in the suit on this one but I'm still coming down way too slowly

Band lightened squats (greens from top of rack)
405 x 3
435 x 2
455 x 1+1fail

Leg press
320 x 8, 8

Hanging leg raises
3 x 20


Kyle said...

Nice squatting Vit. What are you trying to hit at the February meet?

Vit said...

Not completely sure, but I think if I get better at using the suit i should be able to get maybe 15 more pounds out of it.

Juggernaut, the said...

Also knee wraps. Matt's wraps give like 560lbs. I barely had to push 10-40 lbs. for my squats.