Saturday, January 30, 2010

1.30.10--Sicklift Day


Hyper Extensions

Felt like I was going to throw up, so I had to leave.

epic fail...threw up in the shower. Don't worry Luke, I cleaned it up.

I've been taking both airborne and Multi-System Nighttime cold/flu relief so I can be healthy sooner rather than later. I have two midterms this week (Thurs and Friday), and the meet on Saturday, so hopefully this is just a 24 hour (fashion) bug.


Kyle said...

Buy a gallon jug from Hilltop and drink obscene amounts of water or 50/50 water:gatorade mix. Flush that crap out!

Vit said...

Damn Scott, hope you feel better soon.

Scott Salomon said...

I still have a sore throat today, but I'm already feeling better. I slept 17 hours yesterday haha.

Luke said...

toilet, bed, bathroom sink, floor, trash can, kitchen sink, and now shower...
My parents only let me sleep 14 hours and then threatened not to drive me back to UCLA if I didn't get up.

Scott Salomon said...

I weighed in at 170 today after our meeting, and took a fat shit when I got back to my room. I may need to bulk up in order to avoid competing against Greg.

Vit said...

Just eat well and don't move around too much for the next few days. Also, congrats on the fat shit.