Thursday, May 13, 2010

hanch ranch banch

285 x 2
295 x 2
305 x 2
305 x 1 + 1f (attempted longer pause on second; failed)
285 x 2, 2

I was a bit too ambitious on these. I need to back off on my RE days and stay with 285 for most sets, with a few in 295.

bw x 20
bw + 45 x 12
bw + 90 x 8, 10, 12

Kept the rep range high intentionally to give the elbows a rest.

Incline Bench:
225 x 5 @ 10
235 x 5 @ 10
245 x 5 @ 10+

These were hard.

Finished with some flyes for sets of 12-15.

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