Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sign I'm getting fat: pull ups are getting harder

Pull ups
BW x 8
BW+10 x 8
BW+25 x 6 x 2
BW +45 x 3

DB rows
90 x 8
112 x 6 x 3

Machine shrugs
4 plates x 10
5 plates x 10 x 2 (strapped)
4 plates x 10
I like how much easier 4 feels after doing 5 for a few sets.

Incline curls


Luke said...

Can you re-title this "SIGNS I'm getting fat"

2: walks around with tits swinging
3: shaved head and still missed 165 weigh in
4: eats whatever regardless of whether the item has turned or white people would throw it away
5: had to cut corner in car push because he was unable to keep up with car
6: "street clothes" appear increasingly tight, especially jeans

Scott Salomon said...


Darvin said...

That is a well thought out list.

also: ow