Monday, May 31, 2010

5/31 ME Deadlift

Conventional Deadlift:

Suit on, straps down
385x1 (warmup)

Suit on, straps up
450x1 PR

Ransom Lifts:

Abs & Plyos

Good day today. Maxed on deadlift for the first time in many months, only to get a 20lb PR. Form pointers would be helpful however, so I linked the video. I felt really really strong off the bottom (probably b/c of the suit), but had a really hard time once it got to around knee level. At least I know I have a new sticking point now.

Edit For Dave & Vit:


Vit said...

Nice work on the deadlift PR. I don't know what to critique you on since it wasn't slow off the ground lol. Considering it was a max attempt I think your form looked pretty decent.

Juggernaut, the said...

You should embed these videos in the blog because I'm lazy and don't want to click twice <3

Greg said...

You should upload this videos to the youtube account.