Friday, May 28, 2010

ME Squat

495 x 1
550 x 1 @ 10
600 x 1 @ 10
Pause Squat:
625 x 1 @ 10+ (+25 PR)

Almost bit it on 495 by coming into the racks. I was on my toes for the entire lift.

550 felt rough and heavy.

I had Vit crank the knee wraps down for 600, which felt better.

625 was like a pause squat. Slow down, then I forgot to move. I must have tweaked the suit slightly because I got it to pop at just the right time and then the weight was no problem. I am really bad at getting any speed when the weight gets heavy, which is very frustrating.

135 x 5
185 x 5, 5, 5

These felt great today. Much faster than last week and no back pain

Pull Throughs:
stack x 4 sets

Finished with cable abs. No pain there either, which hasn't happened in months.


Matt Buttimer said...

Great squatting Dave, just get all the kinks out now and you will be good for 650 at nationals.

Good to see the cleans and abs didn't induce any pain....looks like you are ready for some DL next week.

Kyle said...

Yeah Dave! Kicked 600's ass. I'm glad to hear that the PR squat was KyleSpeed(C) as well.