Wednesday, May 5, 2010

5-5-10 Cinco de Bencho

Went at 2pm today with Scott and Ben so I could be free later tonight

185 x 3 x 4
190 x 3 x 2
Not technically a PR, but it the best I have done for 6 sets of 3. All reps felt fairly easy. I paused fully on all reps except the first set of 190 which was almost touch n go. Maybe my bench is finally going up. I have switched to a wider grip and I am liking it a lot. Index finger is now on ring. I felt strong today, needed less rest between sets and overall it was a great bench session.

BW + 45 x 10
BW + 55 x 10
BW + 45 x 10
some minor shoulder annoyance on these

Incline Bench
135 x 6 x 2 first set felt hard, second was fine
115 x 5 x 2 with a 3 second pause on chest. I dropped the weight and widened my grip because my elbow started hurting a tiny bit and I wanna make sure I don't aggravate it.

Cable Flyes
60 x 10 x 3

Lateral Shoulder Raise Machine
65 x 10 x 4

Weigh In: 155.5 lbs

1 comment:

Greg said...

Luke! Back in benching!?