Thursday, March 4, 2010


Bench (paused)
165 x 5 sets of 4
165 x 3+help on the last rep
I think doing multiple sets at this moderately heavy weight helps for working on form.

3-board press
Didn't realize how incredibly weak I am on these. I think I have a case of the MattButtimers.
175 x 5
185 x 4+1fail
175 x 5
175 x 4+1fail
Before, I knew my lockout was weak but didn't realize it was this weak. I hope that more strengthening my lockout will help improve my bench numbers.

70 x 10
80 x 9, 8
70 x 10

Cable flyes
60 x 10, 10, 9

1 comment:

Juggernaut, the said...

Wow, that does look like a case of the MattButtimers. I recommend 3-board once a week for the next six weeks, then repeat as necessary.

- Dr. J.