Tuesday, October 7, 2008

1st Shirt Day

Bench: warm up to 175x3
Add HD Blast Shirt
205x3 PR
225x1 PR

Rev. Band Bench: 185x10 (purple)
205x6 (purple)
225x3 (green)

Triceps Death (normal, 1 manpon, 2 manpon): 135x5,5,5
165x4, not too many more
155x5, 3, 7?

Stability Ball Abs: 5 sets

The shirt today actually fit pretty well. It was tight in the chest, which I guess is what counts (the sleeves were loose - I have no arms to speak of). I think I can get some good poundage out of the shirt at the meet. I just need to work on touching to my sternum and not my belly.

Also, I felt super crappy today - maybe there is something to this sickness=strength thing...


Jake Ceccarelli said...

Actually, for all of you who believe the sickness-strength correlation, there really is something to it. The fever that sickness causes is the reason you're stronger. Higher body temperature increases strength. I have read that Soviet scientists actually studied injecting athletes with cold virus and looked at how the fever affected their performance. Early in your illness the increased temperature helps performance, but if you get really sick, obviously, performance declines.

The lesson: train when you're sick.

Kyle said...

Out of curiousity, was there anything that Russian scientists did not test?

It seems as though there is a Russian study for everything.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

If you can think of it they probably tested it. They did some fucked up stuff.