Monday, October 13, 2008

1. 10/13/08 - Mon - SHEIKO WEEK #4; #10

Squat 205x4 (50%), 245x3 (60%), 290x3x2 (70%), 335x3 (80%), 355x2x2 


All reps easy, no belt. Slightly wider stance than usual with toes out, focus on knees out from the beginning. This felt better on both my hips and knees.

Bench 135x3 (50%), 165x3 (60%), 195x3 (70%), 225x3x4 (80%)

Dumbbell bench 35x10x5

Dips BWx8x5

Squat 205x4 (50%), 250x3 (60%), 290x3 (70%), 335x2x4 (80%)

Hips came up on the second heavy set. I belted the last one and my form felt flawless.

Good morning 165x5x5 (40%)


Jake Ceccarelli said...

How is your bench feeling these days?

Nathan Beckmann said...

Good--all of this is easy. But the weights are pretty light. We'll see how it translates in competition.