Saturday, October 18, 2008


Time: ??. Weight: 208 (also 208 at the gym scale--wtf, it was 3# lighter last time!). Normally this is my Oly day, but I have a test day ("skills evaluation") on Wednesday and my hip was acting up, so I skipped it.

  Having serious doubts about going 198 in the Nov meet. (1) Diet isn't working. (2) I don't think its best for me in the long run. (3) I haven't changed my body composition in the past year, including overall body weight. I can't let this continue indefinitely.

  I'm considering seeing if I can bloat up to 242. That'd be fun.

Upper back

Pull-ups BWx5, BWx17, +25x8, +45x5x2, +45x4

Almost a PR on BW reps. Missed last rep half way. Same for fifth rep of last set with 45.

Shrugs 315x15, 365x12, 405x4+11

Started double overhand for reps. On the 405 set, I knew I wasn't going to be able to grip double overhand any more after the fourth rep, so I just grabbed it normal and repped out the set.

Cable row w/ articulating lower back 200x12, 240x10, 300x8, 260x10

Single-arm deadlift 155x1, 198x1

This was just a diversion. You do a sumo deadlift with overhand grip with only one hand (no hook or chalk).

  Danny and I were talking about this throughout the workout today. Early in the workout, some guy was doing clean & presses with 155 so we both tried it. Then towards the end, some guy was doing deadlifts with 90kg. We decided to try it again. All were easy. I could def. get 225, not sure what my limit is on this.



Sometimes I do something right on squats or good mornings and my hamstrings are nice and tight the day after. Today was one of those days.

Hip flexors

Double up left leg.

Seated illiotibial

Seated groin

Foam roller

Cardio - bike 130-135 bpm x 20 mins

Danny: "It might be best for this meet, but this meet is nothing. You have to think about the long term." Also, "You need to gain 30-40 pounds."


Nathan Beckmann said...

There is a 80# jump between 198 and 220 Class I status. But there is only a 40# jump between 220 and 242. What the fuck?

Phil Russell said...

Nathan, you seriously need to be at least 220. It's simply height.

As in any system, bodyweight vs. performance reaches a point of diminishing returns.

Kyle said...

join me in my quest for 275's.

Nathan Beckmann said...

My sheiko coach thinks I shouldn't worry about dropping weight, either.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

My plan after the Oct. 25 meet is to move up to 94kg and hit class 1 for that after 6 months (definitely do-able). We'll be weight-gain buddies!