Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Upper Back: Kyle's Revenge

T-bar rows:
(some warm-ups; all weights approx. to a guess)
345(?) x 6
345 x 6
370 x 6
255 x 15

Wide-grip pull ups:
bodyweight x 10
bw + 45 x 10
bw + 70 x 4ish
bw + 45 x 7

Farmer Walk:
Kyle LURRRRVES these.

100lbs plates in each hand, down the hall and back (2 brief stops on the way back).
same weight, up the steps, strolled around for a bit, then came back down.

Kyle walked down, back and down without stopping thereby proving that farmer's walks have zero correlation to strength in powerlifting. Also Kyle wins again :'(

Hammer Curls:
(weight for each dumbbell, reps per arm)
70s x 8
80s x 6
80s x 5
80s x 5

Bus Drivers:
25 til failure, 2 sets
45 til failure, 2 sets

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