Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Wasabi Effect (Deadlift)

My biceps are feeling so huge right now, so I knew I was in for a big deadlift day.

Über-band-resisted deadlifts:
quadded-purples off the bottom. Then we yolked a green band 12" from the bottom of the vertical post on the squat rack and stretched it to the weight-tree pins on the back of it. This meant about 200lbs from the purples (since the 100s that were weighing them down started coming off the floor) and ~100lbs from the greens about 4" into the lift.

225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5
405 x 10

The last set was easier than I thought, so I just kept repping it. This seems encouraging for the meet since this was about 700 at the top. As long as I build a lot of speed from the floor, I should be able to hit something big.

Good Mornings:
405 x 8, 3 sets

Kind of tired from deadlifts after all

Hamstring/Ab Cicuit:
glute-ham raises, 1 set x failure, 2 sets w/ green band x failure
banded-hamstring, 3 sets w/ green band x failure
banded decline abs, 3 sets x failure

Today was full of bands and love. Mostly bands.

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