Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Quick Upper Back

Gary was showing me shoulder dislocates, then I saw this guy do it with a band. And then I saw this video:

So I thought I would try those today...

Clap Pull Ups:
OH SNAP. These are scary. Although it could just be from doing them in a squat rack at Wooden.
5 claps + ~10 regular
6 claps + ~8 regular
20 regular
12 regular
8 regular

Chest Supported Row:
w/ quadded minis

115 x 10
135 x 10
145 x 6
135 x 8

Freemotion Lat Pull Downs:
Used the often-overlooked freemotion lat pull down machine where the handles are free move around and you have to forcibly pull your arms out to make it a pull down

stack x 10
stack x 10
stack x 9
stack x 8

Reverse Flyes:
w/ pause at top
175 x 10
205 x 10
190 x 8

Incline Curls:
35 x 10
40 x 10
40 x 8
30 x 12

We finished the workout with 7 of us in under an hour too. sweet.

1 comment:

Juggernaut, the said...

I guess I should mention that today was intentionally light (i.e. no heavy rows, heavy shrugs) since we're planning on doing our last heavy deadlifts tomorrow and want to get a good feel for where we will be at for the meet.