Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Time: 1:00. Weight: 216.
- Prehab
- Snatch-squat-press 20x5x2, 40x5x3
Hips didn't like squatting today so I only did a few sets.
- A: Cable front kicks (single leg) 30x15,20
These got my hips really warm.
- A: Cable back kicks (single leg) 40x15,20
- A: Leg extensions (single leg) 60x15,20
For patella-femoral pain in right knee.
- Hyperextensions 50
- Cardio (bike) 150-160 bpm x 20mins
- Flexibility
- Seated groin
Adductor feeling tight today. Probably from hip-first squatting I tried yesterday, so I will not be
doing that any more.
- Seated illiotibial
- Adductor on machine
- Hamstring w/ bar in hack squat position
- Gastroc on hack squat machine
- Soleus on machine

Had another big meal tonight ... so that's three big group dinners in a row for me. I'm going to start shutting it down ... although my group is going to a big steak dinner (> $100/plate) next week that I'm not such a dumb ass as to skip out on. So my goal is to have my weight around 210 by the end of next week. Slightly under would be best. I need to be at 205 by the end of the month and 202-ish the week of the meet. I should know pretty quickly if this is going to happen or not.

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