Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Week A #1

None / no belt

Shoulder-Stance Back Squat:
325 x 5/5/4
345 x 2
275 x 8

Medium-Grip Bench Press:
285 x 5/5/5
315 x 2 (hard)
255 x 8

Stiff-Leg DLs:
352 x 5/5/5

Man I feel like ass. So detrained right now. Also, I need to really get on the ball about eating enough on training days.

1 comment:

Jake Ceccarelli said...

I like how your training looks much more now that you're doing more volume. If I were you I'd move the heavy sets to the beginning though (squat 345/2 first, then 325, then 275) to get higher quality reps on the heavy sets. You could even take a page from Sheiko and do:

Heavy back squat (345)
Bench Press
Medium back squat (325, 275)

This would serve to increase the quality of all the sets, not just the heavy ones.