Wednesday, March 11, 2009

RE Bench

Ultra-wide grip Bench:
used an illegally wide grip; still paused; still taking my time to perfect the beat

225 x 8
245 x 8
255 x 7
265 x 5 + 1 fail

My sticking point feels much better the wider I go. It seems like I am able to power through it much more easily. I'm not sure if this is due to the shortened ROM (which shortens the sticking range), of it has something to do with the the change in muscle emphasis. I might try doing more of these later to see.

Closed grip:
paused; i can join the party too

225 x 5
225 x 5
235 x 4
235 x 4 + 1 fail

I need to do more of these. I get stuck so easily, so it really is a good way for me to address my strength imbalance.

Seated Military Press:
135 x 10
155 x 8
155 x 5 + 1 fail
135 x 7 + 1 fail

exhaustion sets in...

Seated Flyes:
90 x 10
100 x 10
110 x 8
120 x 6, (strip set) 90/60/40

Felt pretty good today. Lower back is still mildly sprained. My left wrist also hurts badly. It hurt to even pick up just the bar at first. Wrist wraps fixed it, but it has me a little concerned. Not sure what I did to tweak it.

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