Saturday, March 28, 2009


1. 3/28/09 - Sat - SHEIKO #3

Weight: 207. Time: 2:45.

  I was pretty destroyed by Thursday and I haven't been sleeping well. Today I felt like ass and took long rest breaks. Adductor also was still a little sore (I messed it up bad on Tues), hopefully I didn't do anything to aggravate it today.

Bench 150x5 (50), 180x5 (60), 210x4x2 (70), 225x3x2 (75), 240x2x2 (80), 

255x1x2 (85), 240x2x2 (80), 225x3x2 (75), 195x5 (65), 165x7 (55)

This took 1:30 by itself.

Dumbell bench 55x10x5

Squat 230x5 (50), 275x4x2 (60), 320x3x2 (70), 345x3x5 (75)

Back felt like ass, so I belted after first 275 set. First 2 sets at 345 were high, but I think I got the rest to depth.

A: Dips BWx8x5

A: Good mornings 185x5x5

2. 3/27/09 - Fri - CARDIO/FLEXIBILITY

Cardio - bike ?? bpm x 20 mins

Stretching - hamstrings, seated groin, hip flexors


Jake Ceccarelli said...

Here's my take on the adductor situation: it's good that it's sore. Like I wrote about before, I was concerned about mine, which tend to get sore after squats where I go too deep with my back arched tightly. It's getting better so I'm less concerned. My point is, I think that the increased flexiblity from stretching is finally paying off, but that you (and I) just aren't strong enough with weight in the hole with proper back position (tightly arched), which causes the stretch reflex to till kick in and tear up the adductors. So, I think that in the end there's nothing either of us can do but suffer through it, keep stretching regularly, and keep trying to squat with good technqiue. Eventually, hopefully, our squats will be pain free. The only other option is to lighten the weight until you're flexible enough to squat deep with no pain. of course, that's not an option.

The bench pyramids always look brutal.

Nathan Beckmann said...

I don't think thats whats going on. At least, I don't think suffering through it is the right solution. This is the exact problem that I had two/three months of physical therapy for. I am able to squat pain free for smaller numbers of repetitions and also when I'm disciplined about keeping my knees out the whole time. I'm *hoping* I just got lazy on Tuesday, and the reason its so bad is because it was my first day back after a two week layoff. We'll see.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

When you keep your knees out your adductors don't get hurt? It only happens when they cave in?

Nathan Beckmann said...

I odn't have any issues with my knees caving in. The difference is actively forcing my knees out or letting them just be "normal" over my feet. If I do the latter for more than triples, my adductors get destroyed. I don't know why.