Monday, March 30, 2009

Squat (Bleh)

Last saturday, i tried to deadlift, but my back felt so nasty, i couldn't get 405 off the floor... So today I decided to squat :D

315 x 8
365 x 5
405 x 3
335 x 8
385 x 5
425 x 2

This rep scheme was according to plan, but the weights were lighter than I would have liked. Around my 225 warm-up set, I could tell my back was not 100%. At 315, I could tell it was around 60%... It hurt so bad on the 425, I had to have someone help me unrack the bar. Squatting felt ok, but putting direct pressure on it felt nasty.

Box Squat

225 x 1

Terrence kept suggesting that I stop. After 1 rep on box squatting, I agreed. At this point it hurt to move and even to undo the belt. After a few minutes I could walk without pain though. That's good, right?

Leg Extensions:
stack x 20
stack x 17
stack x 23
stack x 15
stack x 10
stack x 7

Finished with some ab wheel.

Off to the doctor tomorrow to get this business checked out.


Phil Russell said...

Dave, I think you need to change something. Lift smarter, not necessarily harder. Or get some rest. Or compete 198. Just something.

Juggernaut, the said...

Eh, it was just too soon for me to go heavy. I mildly sprained it at the Arnold and haven't really given it time to recover. I mean, a week ago when I was at 4-star with you, I couldn't squat 135 without pain, so it's definitely much better.

I think it was just tweaking it on those stiff legs and then doing two meets in two weeks that did me in. <3

Brent Tanaka said...

Don't die Dave. We need to be able to compete when we are old so we can dominate all the young bastards.

Juggernaut, the said...

Haha, I will recover from this for sure. I just learned a valuable lesson about how far I can really push my body and still recover fully.