Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I did some lats. Also, lats

Wide-grip pull ups:
(bw = 187?)
bw + 45 x 10
bw + 70 x 6
bw + 80 x 4 + 1 fail + 1 after rest
bw + 70 x 6

Cable Rows:
stack x 9, 8, 10, 9

lower back was the limiting factor in this. once it felt tired, I stopped to prevent injury.

270 x 10
315 x 10
360 x 10

Reverse Flyes:
190 x 9
205 x 8
220 x 7

Standing Cambered bar Curls:
80 x 10
120 x 4 (ughhh)
90 x 8
90 x 10 (after some rest)

Finished with cable abs. Hadn't done these in a while so they felt good. Everyone was sore from the ab wheel too. I think having people step on the wheel while you use it really makes a big difference. It's almost like ME every rep.

Unrelated: I am switching to eating chicken + rice for every lunch. This is a very scientific test of how what I eat for lunch affects my lifting and weight. but mostly weight.

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