Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Comp #13

P. Sn. 80/3 x 2 90/1 x 4
The first two at 90 were a little deep for power snatches, but they were ok.

P. Cl. + Pu. J. 95/1+2 110 - (1+1+miss) (1+2) (1+2) (1+1+miss)
These were hard... My legs felt like jell-o today. Probably a combination of the long stretching I did last night and the fact that I lifted 2 days in a row.

Cl. Pu. Bel. Kn. 125/3 x 3
BTN Press 50,55,57 x 3
Seated Good Morning 60 2 x 3
My groin felt a tiny bit tender so I stopped after the second set. No need to risk pulling it/making sore like I so often do.

The reason I worked out two days in a row is because Fridays we have lab meeting at 930, so I can't lift those mornings. Luckily these two workouts were light so I could lump them and keep the next two workouts separate because they have 90% snatches and 100% clean and jerks, repectively. No lab meeting for the next two weeks (starting with next week) so I can go precisely every other day.

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