Thursday, March 26, 2009


1. 3/26/09 - Thu - SHEIKO #2

Time: 1:30. Came into today with an extremely sore adductor. Deadllifting sumo wasn't fun. To add to all the fun, I only had 1:30 to do the workout (I couldn't finish it), and this was my first day getting into the suit. I don't think I could handle suited Sheiko in general, using a suit gives me headaches and is massively uncomfortable. Putting suits and shirts on 3 days a week would be horrible.

Deadlift 135x5x2, 225x3, 275x5 (50), 330x5x2 (60), 385x4 (70), *SUIT*, 420x4 

(70), 450x3x4 (75)

Had to take a very slow warm up for the adductor with lots of stretching.

  Suit was much looser than the test day. This kind of worries me, but I'm giving it another week because today I put it on fairly cold. Last time was after the full test day. I think my legs might have been a little swole because today, getting it off was HARD, but putting it on was easy.

A: Bench 165x5 (55), 195x5 (65), 210x4x5 (70)

Because of time constraints, all of the rest was done with suit on (straps down generally). I don't think suit with no straps affects my rack pull or bench much. Especially since I did straps up for anything heavy on the rack pulls.

A: Deadlift from knees 275x5 (50), 330x5x2 (60), 385x4 (70), *SUIT*, 420x4 (70), 480x3x4 


Dips BWx8x3

Supposed to be 8x5.

Lunges none

Suppoed to be 5x5.

2. 3/25/09 - Wed - CARDIO/FLEXIBILITY

Another day where I didn't give myself enough time. Had time to finish cardio and do minimal stretching. Adductors hurt a little.

Cardio - bike ?? x 20 mins

Stretching - hamstrings, seated groin


Nathan Beckmann said...

For anyone curious, weights go up but stay at 70% after putting on the suit because its then based on my suited max. Not that anyone is.

Juggernaut, the said...

How long do your workouts typically take?

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Can you easily get depth when training in the suit?

@Dave: Nathan always puts the workout time on his posts under "time."

Nathan Beckmann said...

Lol Jake, thanks for that.

By 'depth' I assume you mean starting position for a deadlift. And no, it is not easy. I have a lot of trouble particularly keeping my back arched. With straps up all the way I was not able to do it this workout. I think this was also aggravated by my adductor, though, because my arch was bad before I put on the suit and that hasn't been a problem for months.