Wednesday, October 1, 2008


- Deadlift to knees 285x4 (55%), 315x4 (60%), 365x4x3 (70%)
- Bench press 150x4 (55%), 180x5 (65%), 195x4x3 (70%)
With wide-grip and "Phil-style" set up, Danny says the arch looks a lot better.
- Flies 25x10x5 (10%)
- Deadlift 265x4 (50%), 315x4 (60%), 365x3x2
(70%), 395x3x4 (75%)
- Lunges 135x5x5

Spent a lot of time talking to Danny today... Here's some highlights:
- He's looking for a training partner, so I'm going to judge Sheiko after the Nov meet and decide how to proceed.
- I told him about the two-hour weigh-in. His advice? "Don't compete. That's impossible."
- He says I should weigh about his weight (260) and bench around 400 raw.
- He tweaked his knee today.
- I was going over Sheiko and we were talking about doing multiple sets at 70-75%. He asked, "So what's the point? To get stronger?!" (Last part incredulously.) Lols.
- We were talking about deadlifting, and somehow talked about Coan's 198 record. He said, "It's even more impressive chemically. The pros today are doing very stupid things. They did stupid things back then too, but less stupid."
- He says my bench set up + arch looks a lot better doing "Phil-style" set up. I've also moved my grip out a little wider, so w/ the arch, the stroke feels noticeably shorter.
- He says my deadlift is perfect, except I'm doing to cut off my toes w/ the plates some day when I drop it.


Phil Russell said...

Glad somebody agrees with me about you weighing 242+. YOu'll have to go 308 eventually.

ALso, I agree that you shouldn't even bother going 198. Just roll in at 220 and keep gaining weight.

Nathan Beckmann said...

Oh yeah, I expect to weigh above 250 out of competition by when I'm 30 or so. I don't think that I should try to pile on whatever weight comes to get there, though.

I have mixed feelings about going 198. The clencher for me is that I could possibly place 3rd or better at raw nationals next year @ 198. No hope @ 220. So I need to qualify at 198 in November.

Nathan Beckmann said...

Also, if my diet just isn't working out, then I'll bail and go 220.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

2 Things about Danny's comments:

1) About Sheiko and doing reps at 70%: I don't know the exact origins of Sheiko, but I do know the origins of the weightlifting programs that are similar in structure. The weightlifting programs are taken from the training logs of the strongest lifters. Essentially what they did is what you do,a nd the process was iterated over like 40 years of trial and error. So, even though Danny is really strong and doesn't train that way it doesn't mean Sheiko is wrong or won't get you as strong (or stronger) than Danny.

2) That said, and even though you have a guy giving you the Sheiko workouts, you don't have Boris Sheiko with you to coach. You have Danny there, and he is really strong. I'd say if Sheiko doesn't give you the results you want and more, then you might should just train with Danny and do exactly what he says 100% of the time. If he's willing to coach/train with you then take him up on it.

Juggernaut, the said...

Gaining weight is an easy way out to increase your lifts. Except you'll always be facing heavier opponents who, like me, are willing to cut weight into a lower weight class and beat you.