Thursday, November 3, 2011

Deadlift 11/3/11

235 x 1
255 x 1 (technically a 10 lb PR...possible hitching)
265 x 1 (technically a 20 lb PR...belted, thanks Kevin)
I can't even count the last one really...lots of hitching, dropped it at the end (on my shin, no less).

Technically that brings up my total to 165 + 80 + 265 = 510 > 507 qualifying total for 148 weight class, but eh, I'll celebrate when I hit the my (dead)lifts more solidly.

Good Mornings:
135 x 5 x 3 (too light)
155 x 5 x 2

Power Cleans:
75 x 3 x a lot

Banded hyperextensions, abs