Saturday, April 25, 2009

Squat Form Review

Here's a compilation of the videos that I took on Monday. Clearly some of the new guys (beginning of video) are high squattahs, but we're working on it (you can hear us in the background yelling at them, haha). Overall, lots of work to be done, but video taping it is a good start at identifying what specifically needs to be addressed.


Jake Ceccarelli said...

Dave, your squat form looks pretty good... Maybe the problem in your lower back is caused by the technique itself: with such a forward lean in the powerlifting-style squat. How does high bar vs. low bar feel back-wise? Not that you should change from one to the other though... What if you let your knees drift a little bit more forward on the low bar squats to keep yourself more upright at the bottom?

Juggernaut, the said...

High bar definitely takes a lot of stress off my lower back. However it feels really painful on my upper back. I'm getting used to it from lunging every week, but I still haven't done more than 315 with a high bar. Ed Kinsey suggested I try it after the American Cup, so I think I might take his advice and give high bar a try for a few weeks and see whether I can get used to it.

My knees definitely drifted more forward than i was used to on those squats. Not sure if it was too much but it kept my back more arched.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Knees forward = good. The reason you have to lean so far in a powerlifting style squat is that your knees don't come forward. The problem is, it's nearly impossible to get deep enough that way without your back rounding and/or you doing a good morning, no matter how flexible you are.

If you're going to lift in gear I can't comment too much, but raw you definitely want your knees to come forward some, probably more than you think.