Saturday, April 11, 2009

DE Squat + Pain

Box Squat: 185x2x4
265x1 PR

Good Mornings: 135x8
185x3 PAIN!

While doing the GM's I went a tad bit too low (was doing them beltless) and I felt a sharp twinge in my lower back (left side near the glute insertion). I stopped immediately, did some back raises and limped back to the dorm. Did hot/cold shower and took 4 advil. Feeling better today but still stiff. No sharp pains, but more of a dull ache constantly in my left lower back. Bleh.


Jake Ceccarelli said...

You probably need to get more flexible to do good mornings. I've seen some videos of powerlifters from somewhere doing good mornings and their range of motion is really small (basically a 1/4-1/2 good morning), so maybe you should just not go deep.

Juggernaut, the said...

Keep taking ibuprofen.