Thursday, April 16, 2009


Time: 2:10. 

  Not nearly enough time. Slept until 2 hrs before gym closed. Gym staff let me stay a little longer (Thanks Hil!), so I could almost finish everything. Rushing through meant I did stuff out of order, which I'm not happy with. I also forgot my suit today, but this was a good thing because I didn't have enough time as it was.

  I listed exercises in the order they were supposed to happen, and I grouped them into super sets in the order I did them.

Deadlift to knees 275x4 (50), 330x4 (60), 385x4x2 (70), 415x4x4 (75)

A: Bench 150x6 (50), 180x5 (60), 210x4x2 (70), 225x3x2 (75), 240x2x2 (80), 255x1x2 (85), 240x2x2 (80), 225x3x2 (75), 210x4 (70), 195x6 (65), 165x7 (55)

By the way, on deadlift day I'm using wrestling shoes. These have very little traction so I bench on my toes. I actually really like it way better than flat footed benching. Too bad.

B: Dumbell bench 50x10x4

Supposed to be 5 sets, but I was getting kicked out.

A: Deadlift from knees 330x5 (60), 385x3 (70), should've added suit here, 385x3 (70), 445x4x4 (80)

B: Lunges 135x5x5

B: Abs 45x10x3

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