Monday, April 27, 2009

ME Lower

Pin Pull (pin#1 - mid shin): 335x3

Lumberjack Squats: 50kgx5
65x5, 5, 5

GM's: 110x20, 20, 20

Pull-throughs: 60lbsx8/8, 8/8

GHR Abs: 6kgx15, 15, 15

Pull-ups: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4

The pin pulls were at my sticking point, so I should really practice these more often.


Nathan Beckmann said...

My girlfriend can do more pull ups than you.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

She can probably do more pull ups than me too... Tell her I said it's because she's so dainty.

Deirdre said...

Come over here and call me DAINTY.

Juggernaut, the said...

Kyle, can you really only do 4 pull ups at a time??? I think even Phils beats you on that.