Monday, April 20, 2009

scwat trening & DAVE is FAMOUS

341 X 5
369 X 2 (knee wraps)
385 X 3 (knee wraps)

Cambered Bar Low Box Squats:
205 X 2 (2 sets)
245 X 2 (2 sets)
265 X 2 (2 sets)

Calves on Leg Press
Hamstring Curls

Dave. There is huge picture of you in the April edition of Powerlifting USA. You are the center picture for an article titled, "The Importance of Intensity". The picture is from the 09 Fit Expo when you were deadlifting. The article was written by Anthony Ditillo and the caption says something like "David Jurgens is the epitome of an intense powerlifter as shown here as he deadlifts". GRAB A COPY OF THAT ISSUE!