Monday, August 9, 2010

8/9 531 Squat

Week 2 Cycle 1

275x11 PR (+2 Reps, w/better form and depth)

Front Squat:
165x5, 5 (tried the harness - did not like)

Power Cleans and High Pulls:
A bunch of sets with 3's and 5's, most around 135. Hit 160x2 Power Clean, which is a PR. Just going to stick with high pulls.

GHR Abs:
10x10, 10

This training session should be prefaced with the fact that I spent most of the day today with what seemed to be a mild case of food poisoning (Foreman grill didnt cook the chicken right). Pepto Bismol MAX saved me, and allowed me to do some SERIOUS work in the gym today. I hit an all-time squat rep PR, and 275 felt ridiculously light on my back. SICKNESS=STRENGTH.

I will most definitely be re-adjusting my maxes for next cycle on squat and bench.

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