Friday, August 27, 2010

I hate having to use the 'shitty' tag

280 x 3
320 x 3
360 x 2+1
First time I haven't been able to hit the minimum work. Pissed off enough I decided to take a breather and get one more single out at that weight just for 3 total, though I get the feeling that's not the way to go about the program.
235 x 10 x 5

Floor GHR
BW x 10 x 5
The amount of cheating I do with these fluctuates every set, in no small part due to the fear of cramping due to my set-up. I really want to go back to Wooden and take advantage of the machine now.

wanted to finish with hanging leg raises but my grip was having none of that so
cable abs

1 comment:

Juggernaut, the said...

What program are you on right? And when do you get back?