Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Bench (brief pause)
195 x 1
205 x 1, 1 -second single was misgrooved and slow
I think for next cycle I'll be doing touch and go benching so I can handle more weight on bench days. I've been doing paused benching for about 6 months now with little progress so it's probably time for a change.

155 x 3, 3, 3

Push press
135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 5 -last rep was tough at lockout

Incline dumbbell press
60s x 10, 9, 8


Nick said...
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Nick said...

Hey Vit,

for a while I always went TNG or a little bounce, and then I realized how stupid this was. So for a few months I switched to paused, and my bench got faster but I plateaued at ~300lbs. What really got me over that hump and put a lot of speed into my bench was working up to my max on ME day with a light red EFS bands.. just a suggestion.

Hows everything else been?

Vit said...

Thanks for the suggestion Nick, I may have to try that out. I might experiment a little for now and see how things go.

In terms of training everything's going alright, but not great. In terms of school it's going pretty well since I only have 1 class that I'm taking.

Nick said...

thats good. I'm really looking foward to next month.. except chem 14a.. hahaha

Juggernaut, the said...

I wouldn't stop pausing. You need to keep it to make sure you low end doesn't get weaker.

If you're feeling slow, I agree with Nick that you should incorporate more speed work. Forget the reverse grip for now since it's worthless and add in either 9-12 sets of 3 reps band-resisted at 60% or work with band-lightened for something near your max and the light or med-light bands. Everything should be paused to work on explosiveness.

In addition, you could also throw in low pin-presses right off the chest. Fully relax to really work off the chest, which should increase your initial bar speed.

Just don't stop pausing.