Monday, November 3, 2008

ME Squat


455 x 1 (suit + wraps)
495 x 1
550 x 3

Box Squat:
blues and purples together

135 x 4 (too easy)
225 x 4
315 x 4

That last set had to be getting close to 600 at the top. It definitely felt heavier than that 550.

Box Jumps
4 sets of 8

whatever that thing was that Dean taught us. These are killer after squat day. It felt like my abs were going to tear apart

2 sets alternating
2 sets w/ people kicking


Jake Ceccarelli said...

Dave you should work on getting set to start your squats faster. Step out of the rack and right into your squat stance. You shifted a lot before that set. Is that normal or just a fluke?

Juggernaut, the said...

I actually didn't shift my feet much. I have a 2-step walk out, but on that set I came out a little wider than I wanted.

Part of me waiting was just having the bar settle and catching my breath. I am not used to 550 on my back, so I wanted to wait until I was comfortable before squatting.

Brent Tanaka said...

i like how i looked at kyle 3-4 times because i thought dave was waiting for the "squat" command.

Nathan Beckmann said...

Kick ass, Dave. That's pretty impressive.

I have to say, you took a really long time to set up and didn't look stable. You should work on that.

Juggernaut, the said...


It was like 10 seconds from unracking to the first rep? And it's not like I'm dancing around there.

GH said...

Were you actually waiting for a command or were you just squatting?

You need to take only 2 breaths, one to get the weight out and one before you squat. No, your feet didn't shift much but everyone already pointed out that you were unstable--your torso, hips and knees looked scary at the beginning.

The depth is good. It looks right on the money even. Your first rep was best, followed by your third. You fell forward at the bottom on the second.

One thing I discovered far too late in my squatting career is that looking up is going to fuck up your squat. You are setting yourself up to fail if you're looking up. You should be looking straight forward, or, even better, down and at a distance. It will align your neck right, which is going to align your back right, and it is going to greatly increase hip drive. Try it on a lighter set, if you don't believe me--I guarantee you'll notice the difference immediately.