Tuesday, November 25, 2008

No Dave = Try new stuff

No Dave today, so we all kind of did our own thing.

Illegally wide Bench: 155x6
175x6, 6

JM Press: 95x6, 8

Incline DB Press: 55x8, 10, 7

Monkey Pull-ups: BW x 8, 8, 8, 6

Side-to-sides: 2 sets

Pulldown Abs for 3 sets to finish

So my reading of some WSB articles prompted the first 2 exercises. I'm not sure if I have the JM presses down entirely, but they sure hammered the crap out of my triceps. This new benching style feels much better than my old one, and if I keep focusing on my triceps, then I forsee myself having decent bench numbers in the future.

The monkey pull-ups were done on the top crossbeam of the power rack w/ just fingers and palms holding on. Suprisingly, I am stronger on these (?) and they feel a lot more effective for hitting my lats. The Side-to-sides were that "24 Hour Ghetto Workout" thing where you pull yourself up, and shift from one side to the other. Awesome.

Dave: Brent has your bands. He wanted to use them over the break.

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