Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Bench w/Ball: 155x5
165x5, 5, 5
175x5, 5

Rack Lockouts: 225x5
255x5, 2

Skull Crushers: 100x8, 8, 6, 7

Hang Clean -> Push Press: 115x8, 8


Jake Ceccarelli said...

Why do such heavy lockouts? With a bench of 195 you won't be hitting a 265 bench for a little while. Aren't there other exercises which would be better? Or at least lower (closer to the chest) lockouts which force you to use a weight close to your max?

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Your skull crushers are really good. The most I've ever done is 80 x 3. Your triceps appear to not be a weakness. When I did 80 x 3 I could bench 275 no shirt. I suspect you need more shirt work (you wore a shirt right?). Either that or just more board presses(1-2 board, not 3+). Of course, more full range, raw bench would be ideal but since you wear a shirt it's not 100% necessary. Band-lightened full range bench may be a good idea too.

Kyle said...

I did them because Dave told me to? LOL.

Really all that I'm doing right now is doing the exercises that Dave tells me to do and doing as much weight as I can.

And as for triceps, they may have some semblance of strength, but they are non-existant. I need to work them.

Juggernaut, the said...

We don't do lock out work that often. I think it's been six weeks since we did this particular exercise? Next week we will move closer to the chest with floor press.