Thursday, November 27, 2008


Wanted today to be a Bench/Deadlift Sheiko-esque day. Didn't quite work out.

Bench - 135x5, 165x5, 185x5, 205x5x3

Deadlift - 135x5

Adductors were really sore from squats coming into today. I pulled the right one on this set, and decided to stop. I think this was a really good idea.

A: Abductors - 150x20, 190x15 (too heavy), 150x20
A: Adductors - 50 x infinite, 100x30

B: Pull-throughs on cable row - 90 x 15, 135x15x2
B: Dips - BW x 15 x3

The pull-throughs were actually really hard. I think this is because on the cable row the weight is pulling at a different angle and its really hard to keep my balance. This got my heart rate up like crazy, and dips were done with me panting like a mofo.

Cardio - bike - 150 bpm x 15 mins

Stretching - hamstrings, seated groin, hip flexors

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