Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Min-Volume Week #1

Inzer Hardcore (squat suit)
Knee sleeves

Wide-Stance Back Squat:
For some reason the Hardcore was a lot easier to put on this time. Guess it stretched out a little.

All of this done with suit bottoms, belt and knee sleeves. I didn't feel like asking random people at Cardio Fit to put my straps up or wrap knees.

405 x 1
425 x 1
455 x 1
475 x 1
495 x 1

The 475 felt strong. I almost ate it on the 495, I shifted forward a bit and had to re-adjust my footing out of the hole. So basically, I muscled the weight up. Brutality++

On a related note, squatting in the Max DL is not even close to the same thing as squatting in the Hardcore. The Hardcore is provides ludicrous rebound and stops you in the hole, the Max DL not so much on either.

Super-Close* Grip Bench Press:
185 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 4

*Super-Close means that only my pinky is touching the knurling, the rest of my hand is on the smooth center of the bar.

Bodyweight, 1 x 5 (1 set of 5 reps)
Bodyweight + 25, 1 x 5
Bodyweight + 55, 1 x 2


Juggernaut, the said...

Nice squat! How's the recovery doing these days? Do the min volume weeks keep the recovery time short, or are the functioning primarily as the recovery time?

Phil Russell said...

The C Week (Min-Volume) allows you to adapt to the stress caused by the training volume during the A and B weeks. Its purpose is:

- demonstrate increased performance
- recovery
- act as the feeder week into either the next 3-week cycle or to a Contest week

This model is commonly known as Two-Steps-Forward-One-Step-Back. This is a stupid term, since you don't advance (increase performance) during the two High Volume weeks. You increase performance by:
- recovering to adapt to the training stress
- maintaining training fitness with high intensity/low volume training

Here's an example of the difference in training stress between the A/B/C weeks:

Week A Back Squat (Top Sets):
320 x 4 x 4 = 5120

Week B Back Squat (Top Sets):
320 x 3 x 5 = 4800
355 x 1 x 2 = 5510

Wee C Back Squat (Top Sets):
405 + 420 + 455 + 475 + 495 = 2250

Juggernaut, the said...

I guess I was asking whether you actually do feel recovered after these weeks. Since it's so high intensity, do you notice any CNS burnout?

Phil Russell said...

No. There are 5 days of rest during the C week. This is plenty to recover. The only times I noticed that my CNS wasn't recovering was when I was full deadlifting to a limit max every week and that one week when I tried to max on the Squat/Bench/Deadlift on seperate days. So I don't do those things.

Nathan Beckmann said...

I think the idea of multiplying weight x reps is one of the silliest in all sports/fitness.

Doing 60 lbs x 20 for bench (1200 "lb-reps") is not more stressful than 100x8 (800 "lb-reps") so I don't see why anyone bothers. It's ridiculous.

Maxing out (100% 1RM) is way more stressful than a triple at 33% of 1RM.

My $.02.