Friday, November 14, 2008

I also good morning more than I squat

30kg + 135lbs x 8
30kg + 185lbs x 5
30kg + 225lbs x 5

95lbs x 8
135lbs x 8
185lbs x 8
225lbs x 8

Dumbbell Pull Throughs
1 set of 30lb x failure
2 sets of 50lbs x failure

Glute-Ham Raises
Decline Abs w/ medicine ball


Jake Ceccarelli said...

Stop doing good mornings if you can do more than you squat. Sounds like you and Dave both need to squat more and good morning less.

Juggernaut, the said...

Hey - I squat equal to my good morning now! It's just a sign of a stronger lower back. Provided that you have correct form on the squat, I don't think the imbalance is necessarily bad. If you're doing taco squats, then yes, I would focus more on pure squatting though.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Well my arguement is that you're lower back is basically strong enough to squat 1000 now, but your legs are only strong enough to squat 600, so why not get your legs stronger and not worry about your beastly back?

Jake Ceccarelli said...

From Louie Simmons:
"Shawn Coleman did 600 for 5 reps in the good morning prior to his 835 deadlift. If you are doing 600 for 5 reps and your deadlift is 700 pounds, you are just kidding yourself, and you must change your training."

GH said...

In terms of mechanical force generation:

Deadlift > Squat > Good Morning

Whenever we did good mornings before, we did them wrong. Doing them wide stance and rotating at your hips is mostly nonsense, really--it's like asking to be injured.