Sunday, November 30, 2008

This week

I've been lazy about posting but here's this week:

Power snatch 77/3 x 2 88/1 x 4
Power clean + jerk 90/1+2 102/1+2
BTN jerk 110/1 115/1 122/1
jerk supports 115/1 120/1 140/1 150/1 (couldn't get off the rack)
I hold these for at least 5 seconds
BTN Press in jerk stance 4 x 3 - 42,45,47,51
Seated good morning, chin touching bench 54kg/3 x 3

Snatch 77/3 88/2 x 2 99/1 x 5 (got 2, missed like 4)
Technically this is 95%, so getting 2 is pretty good.
Sn. pu. bel. kn 88/2 99/1 x 4
Sn. pull 110/1 x 4
Jerk 88/2 102/2 115/1 (got one, missed one, stopped)

Upper back was pretty fried from the overhead work and from the snatches after this workout

Today (Sunday 11-30)
C&J 88/2 x 1 100/1 x 2 115/1 x 2 127/1 - missed this a buinch of times. The clean is super easy but I can't support it in the jerk. Could be a little tired from the overhead support work.

Jerk missed 127 then 130. Explosiveness is there, again it's overhead support strength and speed under the bar.

Jerk 105/3 x 3 Working the problems I just mentioned

Back Squat 115/4 135/5 x 4
Working on widening my back squat stance in order to allow myself to widen my feet more on snatches and cleans when I drop. I've been squatting around the same weights for awhile so they're actually pretty easy. I still use 190 for my max, which is definitely higher than my true max (only because I can't stay tight though).

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