Monday, November 17, 2008

Blahblahblah workouts blahblahblah

My workload tolerance is still pretty low. But all the same, I plan on cutting a lot of the volume to optimize my recovery time. All sets below are without any equipment. I'm really working hard to retool my form on all of the three major lifts. My grip is shit, but I expect that to be fixed in a couple of weeks--SECRET KEYS. Weight x reps x sets (assume 1 if not noted).

*Squat: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 365x5x3
Stiff leg deadlift: 135x5, 225x5, 335x5x3
**Press: 135x5, 145x5, 155x5
***Chins: bodyweight x7x3 (omfgwtfbbq terrible)

Note: will alternate stiff leg deadlift with light rounded back good mornings, emphasis on both exercises is on hamstring pull. Rounded back good mornings for both hard squats and deadlifts. All squats are with a more narrow stance now. When the squat/secondary isn't enough. I'll add in a rotation of banded resisted squats and hack squats.

*Bench: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5x3 (gimme two weeks to get it back up)
**Flat dumbell press: 60x5, 70x5, 80x5
***Pause Squats: 135x5x3
**Barbell curl: 60x5, 70x5, 80x5x3

Note: always super light squat focusing on some dynamic action here. I probably won't have to replace the bench/flat dumbell press or barbell curl for a long time. I need one other thing to add in here later, that I'm still figuring out.

*Deadlift: 135x5, 225x5, 315x5, 405x3x2
**Cleans: 135x5x3, 185x5
***Narrow Bench: 135x5x3 185x5
Dips: bodyweightx10x3

Note: heavy walkouts for squats will eventually be added on this day, along with band assisted squats. Finally, heavy lockouts for bench. I think the theme of this day is fairly obvious. Cleans and narrow bench are more dynamic and speed based. I'll also include weights on the dips at a later time, if necessary.

* - as my work tolerance goes up. I plan on both increasing the weight (until I'm back to my normal working weight), and increasing the sets/workload on the heavier weights but with smaller increments.

** - weight will probably increase. Total sets/reps won't fluctuate much. The purpose of these assistance exercises is muscle hypertrophy in the smaller assisting groups.

*** - go go more gadget reps.

The chins/bicep work specifically help reinforce the grip work in a manageable and, more importantly, scalable fashion. Other than that, after I get back up to my desired working weights (405/455 squat, 455/495 dl, 275 bench), the progression will be much more programmed now. :P


Brent Tanaka said...

what is your weight at these days and where do you want it to be?

GH said...

220. 220.

GH said...

Joking aside, I'm going to be doing road biking again for cardio, so I plan on cutting maybe a casual 10-20 lbs slowly, but also building it back up slowly.