Wednesday, November 26, 2008

upper backr

Medium Grip Pull Ups:
bodyweight X 8
45lb X 8
70lb X 6
70lb X 6
70lb X 5
70lb X 5
started getting some elbow pain toward the end

Rope Pull Ups:
bodyweight X 7
45lb X 7
70lb X 7
70lb X 7
70lb X 6
bodyweight X 20

Chest Supported Rows (with dave's purple band):
90lb X 8
115lb X 8
115lb X 7
115lb X 7
135lb X 5

Dumbbell Rows:
90lb X 15 each arm
100lb X 12 each arm
100lb X 14 each arm

bicep crap. saving the rest for block pulls with steve tomorrow morning.

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