Friday, August 13, 2010

Deadlift Day 8/12/2010

Conventional Deadlift
425 x 3 ( felt fine )
455 x 3 PR

Rack Pulls
405 x 5
405 x 5
405 x 5

Zercher Squats
185 x 8
225 x 8
245 x 8
245 x 8

Pull Thru's & Standing Cable Crunches ( super-set )
3 sets
I watched a lot of glute-ham raise videos and I wasn't sure which one to follow. Pull thru's are always good though.

Soccer ( 35 min )
0 goals, 2 assists

I was really concerned about doing upper back the day before but it really didn't make a difference to me. I think I'll do the same thing next week.

1 comment:

Juggernaut, the said...

here are two examples of decent GHR form. You don't want it to be a hyper extension. Notice how their head, hips and knee stay roughly in the same alignment, which what you want. Think of it like a hamstring curl where instead of your ankle moving, the rest of your body moves around your ankle/knee.