Friday, May 22, 2009


Overhead Press: 95x5
120x5, 5

Pull-up: 10, 8, 5

Dip: 12, 10, 7

Chin-up: 9, 4

Well, I took Phil's advice and did only these exercises. The result? A damn good workout. I think with the addition of Bench, this would make a pretty good DE day.


Juggernaut, the said...

LISTEN TO PHILS. HE HAS GOOD ADVICES. (especially on gaining weight <3)

Kyle said...

LOL. I can't do the gallon of milk a day thing. I can eat Pop-tarts though.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

How does bench hurt your elbow when dips and push-ups don't? And since they don't you should be doing a LOT more of them since you're not benching. Also, maybe pec dec or something for chest while you're not benching? I think you've got more back work than pressing work. How does DB bench feel? Incline? Since nothing seems to hurt you elbow but bench I think it must be your technique. Can you bench at all without it hurting if you tweak your technique?

Kyle said...

Jake, I was considering trying to bench today, but I decided to just give it a little bit more time. I will return to benching on Wednesday (not singles at first). I will try to get some video then.

Brent Tanaka said...

i could do this workout in 2 minutes