Thursday, May 28, 2009


After doing circa-max effort bench and manpon press, my pecs and delts are very sore. Especially since I was supposed to be resting this week after the meet. More worrisome, my lower back pinch came back full force after doing my arch yesterday. I need to seriously address this before it becomes a big problem.


Rowing 5 min

My back has been annoying me lately, so I decided to start with this. I think it's a good idea, but I am incapable of pacing myself on a rowing machine for some reason. So I was done after 5 mins.

Bike 30 mins

Upper body

Foam roll back (esp. lower)

In between all sets. Surprisingly, I didn't really feel the foam roll in the lower back. I'm taking this as a good sign that I didn't do anything too bad to it.

A: Push ups BWx10x3

A: Pull ups BWx8x3

Actually this was slightly difficult. Probably because I never do them anymore and I was a little tired from rowing?

B: Conventional deadlift 135x5x3

For the lower back.

B: Standing dumbell press 40x8x3

For the luls?

Hyperextensions BWx20x2

Flexibility - calves, hamstrings, groin, hip flexors

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