Wednesday, May 13, 2009

ME Standing Press

Standing Press:
155 x 3
185 x 1
195 x 1
205 x 1
215 x 2
205 x 1, 5 sets

Apparently, the elite is 218. Should've used the 2.5s and just gotten it over with.

Also, I feel like I'm going to pass out from these as soon as I set the weight down. Is that normal?

Close-grip Bench:
2-second pause

225 x 5
235 x 5
225 x 5, 2 sets

Cable Triceps:
Right elbow tendon was feeling irritated, so tried to use the cable. (did it on the lat pull down station, so it's the actual weight)

100 x 10
110 x 10

Still felt it mildly, so switched to flyes.
Machine Flyes:
Douchie LaRue was taking 2 minutes per set with like 150, which pissed me off.
stack x 15
stack x 12

Dumbbell Bench:
95s x 10, 7, 8, 8

Pretty exhausted by these. Haven't been taking any creatine lately, which maybe is why.


Juggernaut, the said...

Also just looking at those standards, their elite Power Clean weight is kind of ludicrous. I need to hit 310 for elite on that, which seems way out of line with the others.

Vit said...

Dave I thought you were an elite presser but I guess your just elite among advanced pressers.

Greg said...

Yeah I was looking at those standards, the only thing that seems out of line is the cleans, the rest of the exercises I fall into the same category.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

The bench press seems out of control to me... I'd say the press and the cleans are both a little low for the numbers on everything else.

Juggernaut, the said...

@Jake: the bench press seems more like a personal problem.

More Srsly, what would an Elite Oly Lifter hit @181 on the clean & jerk or snatch? Also, how much difference is there between your max jerk and your max clean?

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Depends on what you mean by "elite." The World record clean and jerk for a 187, who would compete with 181s, is around 180/215. The best American 85kg lifter did about 160/200 (352/440). I'd say an "elite" lifter is about that level since our guy got somewhere around 16th place with those numbers. At worst, generously, we can give elite status to a 181 who can do 140/170, or 308/374.

Now, if you include the press, the snatch numbers need to go down, but not the clean and jerk. So, Tommy Kono, at 181 (82.5kg) did a silver medal performance of 150/135/170 (press/snatch/c&j). By these standards, Kono exceeds the elite 320+ press by 16%. He exceeds the 181 result by 51%. Hell, I'm probably an "advanced" presser! I can certainly do 161, with a little training probably 173.

Now, if the rankings are truly for a power clean (generally these things for powerlifters/football players don't discriminate) then the results are alright and I fall squarely between intermediate and advanced.

The most I've ever cleaned is 133 (I think), which is 292. I've jerked 130 off the rack but never in a clean and jerk. I also think I can clean more, possibly up to 140 (308). Some people can jerk more than they clean, but generally they don't. The accepted value is that you can jerk off the rack 2% more than you can clean and jerk, and clean comething like 2-5% more than you can jerk.

Now, the squat weights here are debatable. For an Olympic squat they are fine, but for a powerlifting squat I'd say they're too low. Deadlift looks reasonable, but I'm a poor deadlifter so I can't comment. The bench press results could be adjusted slightly upward since they are only slightly higher than where the standing press results should be.