Saturday, May 30, 2009


A: Bench 45x15x3

Experimenting with set up to avoid pressure on the lower back. I think if I keep my core really tight it might help a lot. So I will be trying benching with a belt to see.

A: Back squat 45x5x3, 135x5

Front squat 135x5, 185x5, 185x8

I remembered why I don't more than 5 reps. Weight was easy but it was still hard.

B: Lunges 135x5x3

B: Kneeling cable abs 110x15, 130x15, 150x15


Difficult cardio is difficult.

Rowing machine 2000m in 7:40 (+300m of cooldown)

Bike 160 bpm x 15 mins

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